Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here's my first sketch of Alison, the main character of my Tasmanian Tiger animation. Next week I'll post a photo of Tilly, her 'pet' Tasmanian Tiger. Alison is based on the real life character of the daughter of the Zoo curator of Hobart Zoo, Alison Reid, who battled bureaucracy and indifference to try and save the animals at the Zoo in the 1930s.

I'm going to build an doll or puppet of Alison as well, using modelling clay over a metal armature. Soon, I will have to decide whether to use sketches to build the animation, or to have a go at stop-motion animation. I think this will be more challenging for me. It will require a lot more hours, space and resources, and it's unfamiliar so it will take longer. However, it might be more satisfying for the audience.


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